Twitter Puts Users’ Mask Tweets on Boats, Billboards, and Sidewalks in Pandemic Safety Campaign

Noella Bamigbola


In Twitter’s newest campaign to get users to wear masks as we approach flu season during the coronavirus pandemic, they decided to post people’s tweets on large outdoor public spaces such as sidewalks, buildings, and even boats. 

Despite some cities across the country whose case numbers are lowering, there are many cities that are still experiencing a rise in positive cases. In order to mobilize people across America, these eye-catching ads have been able to present a relevant topic in a humorous and lighthearted way. 

Twitter’s CMO Leslie Berland said, “Masks are a huge conversation around the world and we’re happy to help cities tackle mask caution-fatigue with Tweets that will make people smile and hopefully mask-up!" In addition to the billboards, Twitter also decided to donate masks to local residents in major cities for free. 

What we can takeaway from this advertisement is that the use of wit and humor in campaigns can be beneficial in changing the public’s perception in the initiative to enforce wearing a mask. Because these tweets were generated from Twitter users, it shows how people in the community can hold each other accountable. This ad was successful in that it utilized large public spaces and minimal words to get people’s attention.