“Got Milk?” Campaign

Michael Cash

The “Got Milk?” campaign was created in 1993 by the advertising firm, Goodby Silverstein & Partners. In the early 90’s, the consumption of milk in the state of California was on a rapid decline. This is when milk companies of California called to Goodby Silverstein & Partners for help.

The “Got Milk?” campaign not only had a positive impact on the percentage of household milk consumption, but it became one of the most popular and well-known ad campaigns of all time. The phrase “Got Milk?” is so simple and catchy that it stuck with people for two successful decades. In those two decades, there were over 300 of the iconic milk mustache ads spread across the nation. Within these ads, the “Got Milk?” campaign redefined the meaning of celebrity cameos. Along with having a simple and catchy slogan, the “Got Milk?” campaign featured a numerous number of celebrities during its peak that ranged from athletes to television icons, such as the Simpsons.

As of 2014, the new company that owns the rights to the “Got Milk?” campaign changed their slogan to “Milk Life” due to the recent decline in milk and more people turning to pro life alternatives.

Although the campaign is nearly at the end of its road, the “Got Milk?” campaign took a bland product and made a nationally recognized ad phenomenon out of it.