Startup Bestow Debuts First Brand Campaign As The Pandemic Heats Up Life Insurance Marketing

Noella Bamigbola

In a recent ad created by the life insurance startup Bestow, it highlights a woman without life insurance, and other women who applaud her bravery for leaving her debt for her family. This ad is effective because it makes people think about the negative feelings associated with not having life insurance as well as its ramifications.

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This ad is relevant and timely due to people seeing their loved ones, peers, or co-workers experience health struggles with the coronavirus pandemic. Historically, consumers are more likely to think about investing in life insurance when any new life event occurs, such as a death of a loved one, a new home purchase, or a new car purchase.

This company saw a gap in the consumer market for an affordable and quick alternative for life insurance. They use medical information from data sources instead of requiring a health exam which can incur in high costs like its competitors.

Overall, this ad is highly effective because it uses humor combined with current events to highlight the urgency people would have to purchase life insurance if everyone knew they did not have it. Each of the ads outlined on the AdAge webpage highlight moments where it would be embarrassing if someone found out you did not have insurance. This ad appeals to consumers by using guilt as a motivating factor.