Amazon Advertising Course

Victoria Anderson

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Looking for a great way to boost your resumé and gain knowledge about advertising? The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has introduced a new program a few semesters back that is very exciting and appealing. The University has partnered with Amazon Advertising and created a certification program allowing students to learn more about Amazon Advertising specifically, and the backbone of how they do things. But it gets better! At the end of the nine week program, students will make a lengthy presentation to executives at Amazon, and if done well, they will even get the opportunity to intern with Amazon in the summer. This program does not count for school credit, but it only takes up fifty minutes of your week, and is well worth the time and energy spent. If this program interests you, keep your eyes peeled for an email from the College of Media which will encourage you to apply. Once you get this email, it is highly encouraged to apply right away, as there are limited spots available, and not everyone gets accepted. Not many other Universities have this program, and as University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign students, we are extremely fortunate to have this opportunity. So stay tuned for the Fall of 2021 when the next email goes out and apply! You won’t regret it.