Standing Out in a Big Sea of Applications

Sydney Oseroff

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Applying to internships can be a really stressful experience for many, especially when there are thousands of other applicants to compete against. When applying to the different agencies and corporations, you must stick out above the rest to be chosen. Here are some tips to make you a stronger candidate.

First, customize your resume/cv and cover letter to the position. Using the same template and just changing the name will not cut it. Each job has different criteria to go by, you have to show that you have useful experience for this position. Don’t be modest either, show off your achievements and wow them with your skills and achievements.

Next, make sure to study the company and understand who they are. Knowing things like their values, culture, and mission will show the effort you put in and can go a long way. Look at the company’s website and social media platforms to familiarize yourself. This tactic can also show how good of a fit the company is for you. It’s important to do your homework for every job you apply to.

Creating a portfolio on an application can also help you to stand out. It shows the different kinds of projects you have worked on or participated in that your resume lacks. The hiring manager wants to know that you will fit on their team. A resume can be a helpful attribute, but by showing them that you have actual evidence to show for your positions can really push you above the rest.

Your social presence is something to consider as well. If you are applying for a job with a massive social following, you may be perceived as “out of touch” with the industry if you don’t have these platforms. It is okay to have a personal account, but make sure to keep it clean and private. Most people will have a business account for the public to see.

Speaking another language will always be a great attribute to an application. Many companies have international projects that you could be a part of. It is often forgotten to put that on a resume, but it can be a very helpful boost. Even if you are an intermediate speaker, it doesn’t hurt to just add it in brackets. It will certainly be a great skill that could come in handy.

Have you ever traveled or lived outside of the country? Well, this is definitely something to add. Creating a blog of your experience or even a video of the different things you encountered can be a great factor to add in your application. More and more companies want to globally expand their offices, building a staff with an open perspective to all cultures, instead of people that see the world through a narrow lens.

With these tips, standing out shouldn’t be a problem. Show the hiring team who you are and all the amazing work you have done throughout your life. Nothing is unachievable, it just takes creativity and novelty to make yourself stand out in a big sea of applications.